
  • 👩‍💻 Data & Programming

My Story

I dabble with code and computer parts. Love to see my TTN nodes in action, blinking lights and tangled wires and all. RLY appreciate having this community to go to with questions, or something to show & share 🤗


🎯 Goals

Short term: make the lights blink! Long term: make your projects famous, and our platforms awesome for people who tinker with open hardware and support open networks and data all over the world.

Personal log

Published a blog post with the background to the MakeSelfie. Thanks a lot Federico and everyone!

3 months ago

MakeSelfie with tamberg 📾

4 months ago

4 months ago

Quick sketch of something we decided to throw together in the last hours

4 months ago

Sensor peaking with thorax power

4 months ago

Added some notes and ideas from the Quantified Self workshop. Feel free to comment/expand! Have a great MakeZurich :)

4 months ago

Created an app!

8 months ago

I joined to help out ~ 5 minutes before the deadline >_< and mostly helped with slides outlining the various tracks people have worked on.

2 years ago

Calling all lounge lizards ! 🦎

2 years ago