Breathe! on LoRaWAN

Make our open device able to stream its data with TTN.

👋 Slack channel #breathe
🌐 Open 💻 Source


Vision: Autonomous devices that can be strapped to anything to continuously map air quality, so we can make city centers more livable spaces.

What we want to achieve here: - Build a data uplink through TTN - Be able to drop a device somewhere for a few days and have it pinging - Trying other LoRaWAN providers if possible - Finding out how to stream all or most of the data our device generates within the LoRa constraints

What we have right now: - LogAir devices & STM32s - SX1276 - Tried to have the SX1276 upload data with the Bluepill as a MCU - Failed - Tried to have the murata module upload data from the Arduino BLE 33 - Managed to have that working - Tried Murata x Bluepill - Failed

What we need: - People who already did similar things to jumpstart - A Murata module? We have that now - Inputs of any kind

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Repository updated

24.11.2020 14:31 ~ emmanuel_kellner

Joined the team

02.11.2020 13:51 ~ loleg

I joined to help out ~ 5 minutes before the deadline >_< and mostly helped with slides outlining the various tracks people have worked on.

31.10.2020 15:06 ~ loleg

Event finished

31.10.2020 14:30

Edited content

31.10.2020 13:55 ~ loleg

Repository updated

28.10.2020 19:19 ~ emmanuel_kellner

Joined the team

28.10.2020 19:19 ~ emmanuel_kellner

Challenge posted

28.10.2020 19:19 ~ emmanuel_kellner

Event started

23.10.2020 15:00
Contributed 2 years ago by emmanuel_kellner for Make Zurich 2020

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Make Zurich 2020