


Personal log

  1. Definition of MVP: camera reads value, consumption compared to type of house, output shown as smiley
  2. currently stuck on camera. We tried several, but none worked out so far (with circuitpython). Hope lies on the groove vision ai camera.
4 months ago

Hey, we have a similar idea and will probably go for a camera based reader, which could be used on any meter, see https://now.makezurich.ch/project/80. Maybe we can join efforts.

4 months ago

Some 1st ideas came up from @Alex Shyshko to use an esp32+cam, we then found a similar project: https://github.com/jomjol/AI-on-the-edge-device

4 months ago

A prototype on the breadboard has been implemented. No designs yet of data visualisation or product case or alike.

2 years ago