Edited content version 4
Get Smart
Use Data from EWZ Smart-Meters to make consumers aware of their energy consumption
Make consumers aware of their energy consumption @home by providing them with current and historical data (consumed energy, peak times, costs)
- fetch data from new EWZ Smartmeters that are currently getting rolled out
- acquire data either locally (via Wireless MBUS, IR interface (DSMR), etc) or...
- via EWZ cloud (if there's such a thing)
- in case of local data acquisition - transport data to the consumer (LoraWAN, WiFi)
- build an integration for a smart-home application (Home-Assistant, openHAB) or write a WebApp visualizing energy data
Hey, we have a similar idea and will probably go for a camera based reader, which could be used on any meter, see https://now.makezurich.ch/project/80. Maybe we can join efforts.