Turn that light off!

Get a message if you left the light on in an empty room. If you turn the light off within a minute, you get a point!


Turn that light off!

Repository for the "Turn that light off!" project of Make Zurich 2023.

The idea

  • Place light and motion sensors in a room.
    • Currently only the light sensor has been implemented.
  • If the light sensor detects that the light is on but the motion sensor detects that nobody is in the room, then either a message is shown on a display ("Turn the light off!") or another visual message could be shown to the user, such as a red LED turning on.
  • The user then hae one minute of time to turn that light off.
  • If the user turns it off within the agreed time window (default to one minute), then they get a point in a yet to be defined leader board.
  • Once the user get ten points, then they can buy themselves an ice cream!



  • [x] Set up "blue" Raspberry Pi Pico W with light sensor.
  • [x] Set up "blue" Raspberry Pi Pico W to send uplink data to the TTN.
  • [ ] Set up "blue" Raspberry Pi Pico W to show the intensity of the light sensor using the onboard Neopixels.
  • [x] Set up "purple" Raspberry Pi Pico W with light LCD display.
  • [x] Set up "purple" Raspberry Pi Pico W to connect to WiFi.
  • [x] Set up "purple" Raspberry Pi Pico W to subscribe to the mz23 topic from the Adafruit IO MQTT broker.
  • [x] Install Datasette
  • [x] Visualize mqtt.db SQLite database with Datasette
  • [x] Develop subscribe_to_ttn.py Python script to subscribed to the MQTT TTN integration.
  • [x] Develop subscribe_to_ttn.py Python script to store the received data to a local SQLite database.
  • [x] Develop publish_to_aio.py Python script to read data from a local SQLite database.
  • [x] Develop publish_to_aio.py Python script to publish data to the Adafruit IO MQTT broker.
  • [ ] Dockerize the two Python scripts above.



Install Datasette in your Python environment:

pip install datasette

Run Datasette against a SQLite file on your computer using the following command:

datasette mqtt.db

Then open your browser at

This content is a preview from an external site.

Event finished

10.06.2023 16:00

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10.06.2023 14:03 ~ filippo82

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10.06.2023 13:35 ~ filippo82

Fix typos and add links


10.06.2023 13:01

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10.06.2023 13:01 ~ filippo82


10.06.2023 13:00

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10.06.2023 13:00 ~ filippo82

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10.06.2023 13:00 ~ filippo82

Add directories



10.06.2023 09:33

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10.06.2023 09:33 ~ filippo82


09.06.2023 17:02

Joined the team

09.06.2023 17:02 ~ KurtMarti

Edited content version 13

09.06.2023 10:18 ~ filippo82

Update README.md

Add reward idea


09.06.2023 10:15

Edited content version 10

09.06.2023 10:15 ~ filippo82

Repository updated

09.06.2023 10:13 ~ filippo82

Edited content version 6

09.06.2023 10:13 ~ filippo82

Edited content version 4

09.06.2023 10:12 ~ filippo82

Update README.md

Add initial bits to the README.

Initial commit


09.06.2023 08:56

Joined the team

09.06.2023 08:56 ~ filippo82

Challenge posted

09.06.2023 08:56 ~ filippo82

Event started

02.06.2023 09:00
Contributed 4 months ago by filippo82 for Make Zurich 2023

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Make Zurich 2023