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Project by

  • Alejandro Garcia

  • Gabriel Katz

  • Matthew Moy de Vitry

  • Robert Salzer

Edited content

04.02.2017 21:43 ~ robert_salzer

Event finished

04.02.2017 17:00

Joined the team

01.02.2017 16:19 ~ robert_salzer

Edited content

01.02.2017 16:18 ~ robert_salzer

Joined the team

01.02.2017 16:16 ~ gabriel_katz

Edited content

01.02.2017 16:11 ~ robert_salzer

Challenge posted

01.02.2017 16:11 ~ robert_salzer

Event started

27.01.2017 18:00
Contributed 6 years ago by robert_salzer for Make Zurich 2017
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Make Zurich 2017