Graffiti Honeypot

Monitor graffiti prone area and report activity.

Basic Goal

Using a small embedded device (Arduino) with a motion sensor, provide notifications of a graffiti tagging events. The device is intended to be placed within sensor distance of a wall or building that is chronically tagged by graffiti "artists" (if the wall is newly cleaned or purposefully painted white it would be called a "honey pot"), and left unattended for months to record when illegal activity occurs.

What You Will Learn - Step By Step

  • Create a basic 9V battery powered circuit, using a PIR (Passive Infra-Red) sensor, to detect when a person crosses the field of view of the sensor. Initially, only the sensor's on-board LED (Light Emitting Diode) will illuminate when the sensor detects a person.
  • Augment the above circuit with a FET (Field Effect Transistor) and RC (resistance-capacitance) + diode network to turn on another LED for a time period set by the RC network. The LED is meant to simulate turning on the microprocessor (next step), so when a person is detected the LED should stay on for 5 seconds or so even if the person moves out of range.
  • Use the above circuit to power up an Arduino UNO or Arduino Nano microcontroller board. The Arduino will need to be programmed to Blink when powered up. This involves setting up a development environment like Arduino IDE or using the web based Arduino Create software and a USB cable.
  • Modify the circuit and program above to add a "sense" function, using an input pin to the Arduino and another FET, to detect when the sensor no longer detects motion, which allows the Arduino to finished processing before it is turned off.

Stretch Goals

  • Add a LoRaWan radio device or "hat" and modify the sketch to notify a central location about events in near real-time.
  • Add non-volatile storage (SDCard) and modify the Arduino sketch to allow the duration (and time&date if available) of the detected motion event to be stored for later analysis.
  • Add an output circuit and modify the Arduino sketch to take a picture by connecting it to the headphone jack of a cell phone.

Prototype Graffiti Honeypot Circuit Diagram rdf:RDF dc:formatimage/svg+xml/dc:format dc:titlePrototype Graffiti Honeypot Circuit Diagram/dc:title dc:date18.10.2020/dc:date dc:creator cc:Agent dc:titleDerrick Oswald/dc:title /cc:Agent /dc:creator dc:descriptionCircuit for prototype motion detection LoRaWan Iot device for make Zurich 2020/dc:description /cc:Work /rdf:RDF B+ B- Battery 6LP3146 9v 550mAh + Zener BZX55C 5.6V 500mW Resistor 1.3kΩ ¼W PIR Sensor 555-28027 Vcc Gnd Out Resistor 10kΩ ¼W Capacitor 16SEPC100M 100µF 16V Diode 1N4007-TP 100V 1A + FET IRLZ24N G D S Arduino UNO or nano Vin Gnd FET IRLZ24N G D S Resistor 845kΩ ¼W 5V Digital I/O 12 Resistor 845kΩ ¼W

Indoor rudimentary prototype deployed. Presented at Make Zurich wrap-up.

07.11.2020 20:10 ~ derrickoswald

Event finished

31.10.2020 14:30

Edited content

31.10.2020 14:05 ~ derrickoswald

Getting real time from LoRaWan via DeviceTimeReq, which doesn't seem to be implemented.

31.10.2020 12:59 ~ derrickoswald

Edited content

23.10.2020 18:08 ~ derrickoswald

Event started

23.10.2020 15:00

Joined the team

28.09.2020 18:58 ~ derrickoswald

Challenge posted

28.09.2020 18:58 ~ derrickoswald
Contributed 3 years ago by derrickoswald for Make Zurich 2020

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Make Zurich 2020