
Real-time occupancy rate measurement in public transportation

Real time occupancy measurment in the public transport can be done through various ways. We chose to go with an AI based approach, with person recognition, running on a low cost hardware.

Network and power are not major concerns as the bus has wired power and 3G connection onboard.

Our setup based on YoloV3/ImageNet running on a raspberry Pi, with a GPS shield can analyze realtime and send the numbers to our backend, and show the infos through an Angular dashboard, both running in Heroku.

Pitch slides : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mqEXLIN6sBsA5IgqV9-UMzx49B55etuB53Os1Chb0Ds/edit?usp=sharing

Joined the team

02.07.2018 16:13 ~ yan_wang

Edited content

02.07.2018 11:43 ~ nick_b

Event finished

30.06.2018 15:30

Joined the team

23.06.2018 21:08 ~ nick_b

Challenge posted

22.06.2018 20:19 ~ dimitrios_kyritsis

Event started

22.06.2018 15:00
Contributed 5 years ago by dimitrios_kyritsis for Make Zurich 2018
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Make Zurich 2018