Masterplan Velo—Trend “More”

The project showcases the current trend of achieving the goal “more”.

Zurich’s Masterplan Velo 2025 aims at doubling the bicycle traffic from 2012 to 2025. Using open data, the project showcases the current trend and discusses influence factors.

Edited content

07.02.2017 09:28 ~ gregor

Event finished

04.02.2017 17:00

Joined the team

04.02.2017 10:00 ~ gregor

Edited content

04.02.2017 09:59 ~ gregor

Challenge posted

04.02.2017 09:57 ~ gregor

Event started

27.01.2017 18:00
Contributed 6 years ago by gregor for Make Zurich 2017
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Make Zurich 2017