
Sounds simple: Board with two Motion Sensors. "Use case": Mobile pollbox YES|NO

Searching for Know-how in ".ino" and much more...

Event finished

04.02.2017 17:00

Edited content

03.02.2017 12:59 ~ markus_steiger

Joined the team

03.02.2017 12:58 ~ markus_steiger

Challenge posted

03.02.2017 12:58 ~ markus_steiger

Event started

27.01.2017 18:00
Contributed 6 years ago by markus_steiger for Make Zurich 2017
Join the conversation on The Things Network Switzerland Slack team (if you haven't signed up yet, get your invite here). There is one channel per challenge, look for the ones prefixed with #mz-.
Make Zurich 2017