
OpenCV Bicycle Counter for #MakeZurich 2017

OpenCV Bicycle Counter #mz-bicycle-commuter

#MakeZurich - Civic tech and LoRaWAN hackathon for a better city

About the "Bicycle commuter"-Challenge

"Dive into the pulse of the city and track/map/visualize bicycle commuters using low cost sensors and open data to calibrate your measurements."

About OpenCV Bicycle Counter

The project has three major parts. * The detector: A C++ program which detects and tracks the bicycles and writes the count to a files. * The transmitter: A bash script, which runs as Crontab and which uploads the data to the TTN. * The client application: A website, which shows the counts an updates itself when a new count arrives.

This is just a prototype. While it runs ok on a laptop, it really struggles on a Raspberry Pi 3.

The prototype:

The web client:


Edited content

04.02.2017 17:26 ~ michael_schmuki

Event finished

04.02.2017 17:00

Joined the team

03.02.2017 09:47 ~ samuel_bichsel

Edited content

03.02.2017 09:09 ~ michael_schmuki

Joined the team

02.02.2017 21:22 ~ michael_schmuki

Challenge posted

02.02.2017 21:15 ~ michael_schmuki

Event started

27.01.2017 18:00
Contributed 6 years ago by michael_schmuki for Make Zurich 2017
Join the conversation on The Things Network Switzerland Slack team (if you haven't signed up yet, get your invite here). There is one channel per challenge, look for the ones prefixed with #mz-.
Make Zurich 2017